Smoke Free Campus

To preserve our healing environment, Lake Health District will be a tobacco-free campus beginning May 1st 2014

Our Mission

To care for our community with respect and compassion through excellence and teamwork.

In support of our mission, and in the interest of our patients, visitors, medical staff and caregivers, Lake Health District will be tobacco free beginning May 1, 2014.

If you would like to purchase nicotine gum to utilize in place of tobacco during your stay at LHD, speak to your doctor. Nicotine replacement gum is also available at Howard’s Pharmacy.


Smoking is a known health risk. As a healthcare facility, it doesn’t make sense for us to allow smoking on our campus.
Important Facts: Every year, more than 430,000 deaths in the US are caused by smoking.
Smoking costs Americans an estimated $167 billion annually.
Secondhand smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals & at least 40 known cancer-causing chemical agents.
Children of smokers have many more respiratory infections than children of non-smokers.
Based on data collected in the late 1990s, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that the average life span of a smoker is reduced by 13.2 years for men and 14.5 years for women.

Five keys to quitting:

Get ready
Get support
Learn new skills and behaviors
Get medication and use it correctly
Be prepared for relapse or difficult situations

Benefits of quitting smoking:

Quitting tobacco decreases the risk of lung cancer, other cancers, heart attack, stroke and chronic lung disease.

People who quit smoking before age 50 have half the risk of dying in the next 15 years compared with continuing smokers.

Women who stop smoking before pregnancy or during the first three to four months of pregnancy reduce their risk of having a baby with low birth weight.

Quitting tobacco helps stop the damaging effects on appearance, including premature wrinkling of skin, bad breath, stained teeth, gum disease, bad smelling clothes and hair and yellow fingernails.


American Lung Association

Oregon Tobacco Quit Line

National Cancer Institute’s Smoking Quit Line

Nicotine Anonymous

American Cancer Society

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