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Early Discussion and Resolution

Early Discussion and Resolution (EDR) is a voluntary process that creates a safe space for patients and their families to have an open conversation with health care facilities and/or providers when a patient unexpectedly experiences serious physical injury or death as a result of their medical care rather than their illness. EDR is a patient-centered approach to care after harm that gives health care facilities and providers a way to continue caring for patients and their families, to learn from undesired outcomes, and to prevent harm to patients in the future. Oregon’s Early Discussion and Resolution process became operational on July 1, 2014. Now, a patient, health care facility, or provider (if the event occurs outside of a health care facility) can file a notice of adverse health care incident with the Oregon Patient Safety Commission to initiate the Early Discussion and Resolution process.

To access Early Discussion & Resolution resources, call the Oregon Patient Safety Commission at (503) 928-6158 or visit them online at

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